In a timely manner to put an end to dumping low-cost operators, such as illegal price collusion. 要及时制止经营者低价倾销、价格串通等违法行为。
In politics, dumping means selling something at a lower price abroad than at home. Dump还可以表示“倾销”,也就是以低于国内的价格将某物卖到国外。
It also said China was dumping-selling at a lower price in the US than at home. 美国还表示,中国存在倾销行为在美售价低于中国国内售价。
The margin of dumping shall be considered to be de minimis if this margin is less than 2 per cent, expressed as a percentage of the export price. 如倾销幅度按出口价格的百分比表示小于2%,则该幅度应被视为属微量。
The Koreans are dumping units in the southern California market and we need a lower price to be competitive. 韩国人倾销了许多产品到南加州市场,需要低一点的价格,才能和别人竞争。
Dumping means selling the product at the price lower than the cost. 倾销是指以低于成本的价格销售商品。
Determining of dumping involves determination of the normal value and comparable export price of the products. 倾销的认定涉及出口产品的正常价值和出口价格的确定及倾销幅度的确定。
Firstly, in the case of different anti-dumping measures of import country, this paper analyzed that the export firm was engaged in Bertrand price competition with the import firm of the like product in import country. 文章首先分析了在进口国政府不同的反倾销措施情况下,出口国企业与生产相似产品的进口国企业之间的Bertrand价格竞争;
Next it introduces the causation of dumping and injury. Finally, it points out the three anti-dumping measures admitted by WTO: temporary anti-dumping measure, final levy of anti-dumping tax and export price undertaking. 再次谈到了倾销和损害的因果关系,最后还介绍了WTO许可的三种反倾销措施:临时反倾销措施、最终征收反倾销税和出口价格承诺。
Economically speaking, dumping means the price discrimination on an identical commodity in the markets of different countries. 倾销的经济学定义是同一商品在不同国家市场上的价格歧视,其法律定义则指出口价格低于其正常价值,并由此给进口国产业造成损害的行为。
The analysis on identification of normal value in international anti-dumping law includes its principles, methods and some important concepts such as similar products, comparable price and ordinary course of trade. 正常价值认定的分析包括认定原则的分析、认定方法的分析,以及认定过程中的同类产品、可比价格和正常贸易过程等重要概念的分析。
According to WTO anti-dumping law and anti-dumping laws of the countries in the world, rules on material injury are based on three factors as follows: volume of dumping imports, price of dumping imports, and consequence to the like product producers of importing countries. 根据WTO反倾销协议以及世界各国反倾销法的规定,实质性损害的裁定应基于以下三个方面因素的详细审查:倾销进口产品的数量、价格,以及对进口国同类产品生产商的影响。
In the imperfect competition market of import country, with the restriction of product capacity and asymmetric information, dumping is a product capacity competition, rather than a kind of price competition. 在不完全竞争的进口国市场上,由于受到生产能力约束、信息不完全等条件的限制,外国企业的倾销行为不是简单的价格竞争,而是一种生产能力竞争。
Confirming dumping involves three aspects: normal price, export price and the adjustment of the two prices. 倾销的确定主要涉及三方面内容,即正常价值和出口价格的确定以及二者的调整。
The WTO Agreement on Antidumping extends the former definition on dumping and stipulates that exportation at the price below production costs should be regarded as abnormal trade conduct and be counteracted to maintain the fair competition. WTO《反倾销协议》扩展了倾销原有的界定范围,规定低于成本出口属于非正常贸易行为,可以通过实施制裁来维护公平竞争。
Confirmation of dumping depends upon the determination of normal value and export price. 倾销的确定依赖于正常价值和出口价格的确定。
Dumping is an artificial market action that the exporters sell the products at a price lower than its normal value in other countries, which brings or will bring about substantive harm to other countries. 倾销是一种人为地将产品以低于正常价值的价格在他国进行销售,并且给他国带来和将要带来实质性危害的行为。
Economics-based dumping refers to the price discrimination for the same commodities in different countries 'markets. 经济学意义上的倾销肇始于19世纪末20世纪初,是指同一种商品在不同国家市场上的价格歧视。
The characteristic of this method is negligible negative dumping margin on the basis of the grouping comparison with the export price and the normal value of products and tend to identify the existence of dumping, and artificially make dumping margin high. 这种方法的特点是在对产品的出口价格和正常价值进行分组比较的基础上忽略不计负的倾销幅度,倾向于认定原本不存在的倾销,并人为提高倾销幅度。
The anti-dumping is initially as a coping dumping means launch, it is to show due to one country to another country sales of products price lower than its price, another country take legal action to protect its industry practices. 反倾销最初是作为一种应对倾销的手段问世的,它是指由于一国向另一国销售的产品的价格低于本国价格,另一国以法律手段保护其产业的做法。
Secondly, the essay introduces some anti-dumping related concepts, including: the concept of dumping, the normal value, export price, dumping margin. 其次,介绍了反倾销的相关概念,包括:倾销的概念,正常价值,出口价格,倾销幅度。
Dumping in the international trade refers to a behavior that exporters in one country sell a product to another countries 'market for less than the domestic market price in exporting country. 国际贸易中的倾销是指一国的出口商将某种产品以低于出口国国内市场的正常价格销售至另一国市场的行为。
Dumping according to the dictionary explanation means that massive domestic goods sale to overseas countries in a low price. 倾销,根据词典解释为:将国内不需要的货物向国外大量低价销售。
In the dumping theories, the article explicitly stated the meaning of "price discrimination" in the economics. 在倾销理论中,明确了价格歧视在经济学中的含义。
Dumping is the practice of exporters selling products abroad at a price below the normal value of the product ( Grimwade, 2001). 倾销是出口商以低于商品正常价值的价格出售到其他国家或者地区(Grimwade,2001)。
And from behavior corpus, scope and standards on aspects of predatory pricing and dumping, price discrimination distinguish between such behaviors. 并从行为主体、适用范围、认定标准等方面将掠夺性定价与倾销、价格歧视等行为进行了区分。
Dumping means a country ( area) the producer or the exporter is lower than its domestic market price or is lower than the cost will be its commodity to protrude another country ( region) market behavior. 倾销是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本的价格将其商品挤进另一国(地区)市场的行为。